Thursday, September 11, 2008

First post...

It's no big secret that when it comes to the world of horror movies, the bad usually outweigh the good. It's a tough thing to sometimes sit through a 'film' and realize that you're probably the only person in the world who's ever had the gall to get past the first five minutes. Growing up as a kid, I can remember going to the local video store and browsing the shelves in the horror section. Those big boxes just jumped out at me with blood soaked machetes and grizzly pictures on the back. Looking back, I think a lot of the fascination came from the box art - anticipating what I was going to see once I got home and popped the tape into the parents' top loader. This little blog attempt is sort of a place to kill some time and give some tribute to the films that most of us were weaned on. I hope everyone gets a little something out of it.

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